Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// For Home

SAT-TRAK GPS Tracking Systems

Sat-Trak devices can effectively monitor and report on the status of any mobile resource, including cars, marine crafts, trailers, plant machinery, personnel and packages. Vehicle Locator and Personnel Locator real-time tracking and reporting systems feature convenient and customisable applications that provide unrivalled protection in terms of asset management, accountability and recovery.



Video surveillance is a critical aspect of corporate operations and an effective deterrent and counter-measure for criminal activity from external sources. Video cameras also help with monitoring employee productivity and preventing theft amongst workers. Modern businesses have several video surveillance options available, depending on the surveillance complexity needed as well as their operating budget.

In today’s interdependent global economy, international trade and travel is reliant upon the security of our vast network of ports and terminals. Our security professionals provide a wide range of port and terminal security services to ensure a safe and secure port environment.


  • Perimeter and gate security

  • Training of port facility security officers and staff

  • Port facility security assessments and security plans

  • Security personnel

  • Restricted zone management

  • Complete supply chain risk assessments and plans

  • Passenger control and screening

  • Freight control and screeninc

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